What are the benefits of attending a Crystal Clear Kids Class?

For children aged 6-12 years old.

 * to learn mindfulness and meditation techniques

 * to make new friends

* to boost confidence

 * to learn how to stay calm

* to learn ways to manage emotions

 * to feel safe and understood

* to become aware of own self-care

* to begin to manage self-care at an appropriate level

For parents

 * a calmer child

* a more confident child

 * improved sleep routine for your child

 * access to your own mini-therapist so you gain the benefits of crystal energy too!

kids meditation ,kids mindfulness, kids breathing exercises, kids wellbeing, kids mental health, kids emotions.

Meditation, mindfulness, breathing exercises and more to help children manage big emotions as they navigate growing up.

What happens in Crystal Clear Kids Club?

The children experience meditation, mindfulness and breathing exercises in each class. We also often work with visualisation, affirmations and movement. The main focus of Crystal Clear Kids classes is, of course, crystals. Children learn to cleanse, program and work with crystals. Each class also includes crystal healing which the children practice on each other. They can then repeat this at home for themselves, friends and family. An information sheet is given to each child during the class which they take home as a reminder of the process.

These sessions are tailored to the individual children within each class The required crystals will be provided for each workshop with an option but no obligation to buy. Prices begin at £1 with sets of crystals costing no more than £10. Details are shared on my social media pages.

If there is a particular crystal you would like for your child, please contact me at least 3 days before the class and if I have it I will bring it along.


Studio 214 Level 2, Edinburgh House,

20 Princes Square, East Kilbride, G74 1LJ


£15 per child

Please book your child’s place in advance by using the booking system.

What should my child bring on the day?

On the day, children should wear something comfortable, bring a full water bottle, small blanket and small pillow. Children are welcome to bring their own crystals to show if they wish.


6th January 11 am-1 pm available to book now.

10th February

2nd March